

  《复仇第三季》根据大仲马的经典名作《基督山伯爵》改编。这个镇上的人们漂亮、富有、身份显赫,但有个女孩决心要复仇毁灭所有人。Emily Thorne(Emily VanCamp)新搬到了Hamptons镇,她认识了有钱的邻居,结交了新朋友,看上去她完全融入了这个小镇,但对于一个年轻女孩只身住在富人小镇来说总有那么点奇怪。事实上,Emily并不是镇上的新居民,这里曾是她的家,直到噩运降临到她的家庭里毁了他们的名誉和一切。Emily现在再次回到了这里,她要更正这里的错误,她清楚最好的只有一种方法——复仇。


  Some believe confession helps a guilty soul find peace,releasing us from the shame and regret of our mistakes. In the face of mortality,many feel the need to seek this closure to make things right. Because if death doesn’t kill us,our demons will.


  A guilty heart is silent,its pulse muffled by the secrets it keeps. While some believe confession can release a tortured soul,others view it as a sign of weakness. Because ultimately,whatever you say,however you feel about what you’ve done,it’s irrelevant, for the hand of death is equally unforgiving.


  When on a mission of revenge,one must maintain total control over risks,emotions and one’ enemies.The single greatest threat to success is losing control of your allies.


  Fear is the most primal of emotins,it can linger as a memory,burned into one’s mind of a parent taken too soon.Or burrow into one’s soul as self-doubt over a child’s rejection.But the one thing we all fear the most ,is the unknow.


  It is believed that original sin can only be cleanesed by the waters of baptism。But it is the sins that follow that are not so easily washed away。And since forgiveness of trespass is only granted to the truly penitent,pure evil can never be erased。


  Growing up,my father said the ocean was a great escape. As time passed, I also learned that its expanse holds greater secrets and the ability to hold mine. And that like love,it is at its heart,fluid,powerful,and sometimes violent.But in its harshest reality,the ocean is a barrier,separating you from those you love.


  Secrecy causes even the simplest truth,to seem wondrous,mysterious. It has the power to fuel passion,and seduce you into becoming someone you’re not. But no matter how we try to guard our secrets,to keep them close......they all come out eventually.


  In order to regain control,we sometimes must relinquish it. By doing so,we believe we are protecting the ones we love,the ones we cannot live without,but the most dangerous truth of all is that control is merely an illusion.


  Love built on lies is an arduous endeavor,for wherever passion and treachery meet dissolution begins.Still,we fight to hold our ground in the emptiness.Ignoring the fact that every relationship,even the ones we cherish,inevitably dies.


  Emily:Hate is a lot like love.You can't force it.You can't fight it.You just have to embrace it when it comes along.


  3.Vitoria:For you to have given him hope for an heir,only to have it taken away from him forever......Fate can be so cruel.


  When I was a child,my father woke me every morning with the same phrase:“Life is a great sunrise.”The words shaped the way I saw the dawn.But after my father was taken from me,the morning sun burned like fire.That’s when I learned what hatred was and that it would greet me each day to come.


  When facing your enemy,no amount of training can trump nature.It separates the strong from the weak.And sometimes it tell us that surrender is the strongest move of all.

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