




  She gets a royal welcome from the British,as thousands cheer the gracious young member of one of Europe's oldest ruling families.


  The smiling young princess showed no sign of the strain of the week's continuous public appearances,

  3.我不喜欢这件睡袍,我不喜欢我所有的睡袍 还有 我也不喜欢我所有的内衣

  I hate this nightgown.I hate all my nightgowns, and I hate all my underwear, too.


  I don't want Dr. Bonnachoven! Please let me die in peace.


  Date with Her Royal Highness,who will graciously pose for some pictures.

  4.“若是我死去 眠于地下 但只要听见你的声音,即便在青草之下 我那已化为泥土的心也会欣慰的”

  "If I were dead and buried and I heard your voice"beneath the sod my heart of dust would still rejoice."


  What the world needs is a return to sweetness and decency,in the souls of its young men and...


  She felt that the youth of the world,must lead the way to a better world,Original.

  7.我梦见自己睡在街道上 然后来了一个年轻的男人,他长得高大又强壮 而且他对我很有意

  I dreamt I was asleep in the street, and a young man came,He was tall and strong, and he was so mean to me.


  Your tintypes are gonna make this little epic twice as valuable.


  The legend is that if you're given to lying and put your hand in there,it'll be bitten off.

  10.我得离开你了 现在,我会走到那个转角然后转过去,你必须留在车里然后离开,答应我过了转角就不要再看我,只管开车离开 别管我,就像我离开你那样

  I have to leave you now,I'm going to that corner there and turn,You must stay in the car and drive away,Promise not to watch me go beyond the corner,Just drive away and leave me,as I leave you.

  11.殿下 您必须理解我得履行自己的职责,正如公主殿下也有她自己的职责

  Ma'am, you must apPciate that I have my duty to perform,just as Your Royal Highness has her duty.


  Each in its own way was unforgettable.


  Princess Ann: Each, in its own way, was unforgettable. It would be difficult to - Rome! By all means, Rome. I will cherish my visit here in memory as long as I live.


  Reporter: And what, in the opinion of Your Highness, is the outlook for friendship among nations?


  Princess Ann: I have every faith in it... as I have faith in relations between people.


  Joe Bradley: May I say, speaking for my own... Pss service: we believe Your Highness's faith will not be unjustified.


  Princess Ann: I am so glad to hear you say it.

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