

  我/我公司 I/We,

  是 国籍/依 a citizen of/a corporation organized and existing

  国家/地区法律组成。现委托 under the laws of

  北京方氏卓越知识产权代理有限公司 , hereby entrust


  商标在第 类的在如下事宜: to act as my/our agent in P.R. China for:

  □ 商标注册申请 □ registration

  □ 商标异议申请 □ opposition

  □ 变更商标申请人/注册人名义/地址申请 □ change of name/address of applicant/registrant

  □ 删减商品/服务项目申请 □ deletion of goods/services

  □ 变更商标代理人申请 □ change of trademark agent

  □ 更正商标申请/注册事项申请 □ modification of application/registration

  □ 转让申请/注册商标申请 □ assignment of application/registration

  □ 商标续展注册申请 □ renewal of registration

  □ 撤销连续三年停止使用注册商标申请 □ cancellation against 3 year non-use registration

  □ 商标注销申请 □ removal of registration

  □ 注册人死亡/终止注销商标申请 □ removal of registration of dead registrant

  □ 补发变更/转让/续展证明申请 □ reissuance of modification/assignment/renewal certificate

  □ 补发商标注册证申请 □ reissuance of registration certificate

  □ 提供商标注册证明申请 □obtaining trademark registration certificate

  □ 提供优先权证明文件申请 □ obtaining convention priority documents

  □ 商标使用许可合同备案申请 □ recordal of trademark license contract

  □ 商标使用许可合同备案变更/提前终止申请 □ change/termination of trademark license

  □ 商标专用权质押登记申请 □ recordal of trademark mortgage

  □ 撤回商标注册申请申请 □ withdrawal of application

  □ 撤回商标异议申请 □ withdrawal of opposition

  □ 商标评审事宜 □ trademark review and adjudication

  □ 其他 □ other matters

  in relation to the trademark

  in Class .

  委 托 人: Name:

  地 址: Address:

  签 章: Signature:

  日 期: 年 月 日 Date: , 20

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