


  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a freely convertible currency? Do you think China will allow the RMB to freely float on the international market in the next 5 years?

  2. What must China do to improve the confidence of foreign investors and create a stable and open market economy?

  3. Comment on Chinese consumer confidence in internet-based commerce.

  4. Can Shanghai ever truly become the financial center to rival Hong Kong? If so, when and how?

  5. The EXPO 2015 is coming to Shanghai. What is the long term viability of the costly buildings and infrastructure at this venue?

  6. How can the employment market in cities like Shanghai and Beijing accommodate the increasing numbers of migrant workers relocating there?

  7. 如何吸引外资来建立一个稳定开放的市场经济?



  1. The computer is widely used in modern society. What are the disadvantages if one cannot use the computer? What should the government do?

  2. 你认为你的大学为学生购置电脑和买书充实图书馆那个更加可取?

  3. 有关是不是该在学校使用电脑和计算器

  4. 你是否同意下述观点:技术能使学生们掌握更多信息并学习更快。

  5. do you agree that we can learn something about your country from watching movies, example support you viewpoint.

  6. some people think computers make life easier and more convenient, some think it make life stressful and complex. what's your opinion? give some examples to support it.

  7. 科技发展对世界是好事吗?


  8. Business education and training must promote environmental awareness. Do you agree or disagree this opinion?

  9. People worldwide increasingly travel abroad to work for several months or years. This phenomenon has advantages and disadvantages. What do you think?

  10. 应不应该拆除被国家保护的老建筑?


  11. 现在很多小孩子很小就被送到幼儿园或者找人照看,这可以使妈妈们更早的回到工作岗位,问你的看法如何

  12. Do you think it is a good idea that college student take part time job

  13. 对于一个16岁的孩子而言,参加有偿的工作是很有价值也很重要的。同意这种观点不?为什么?

  14. Do you agree of disagree that parents are best teachers? Give examples.

  15. 对年轻人来说家庭影响更重要还是朋友的影响更重要?

  16. some like to do what they already do well, some like to take risks and take new things, what do you Pfer? Reasons and example 。

  17. 学校是否应该投入同样多的经费到活动上

  18. In your opinion, which one is more important, the knowledge gained from books or the knowledge gained from experience? Why?

  19. 讲的是成功是努力的结果,运气是否重要呢?

  20. Career specific training is far important than a broad-based education? Do you agree or disagree on this? Why?

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